At its most basic definition, a superset is when you do two exercises back to back with little to no rest between them, ...
A 10-minute bicep workout is all you need to give your arms the attention they deserve. With a short period of focused effort ...
Stand between two cable machines with handles set at a high angle. Pull both cables in front of you maintaining a slight bend ...
The barbell curl is a classic exercise for isolating the biceps. It requires you to grasp a barbell with an underhand grip ...
Open Bodybuilding veteran Lee Priest broke down his biggest biceps curls training mistakes in a recently published YouTube ...
Instead lay your elbow to the right of your side and use your bicep muscles to curl the bar upward. When you are done with the set, in a squat like fashion place the bar back down.
Sandow recommended completing this workout daily, but we don't all have the luxury or ... Keep your torso still and upper arms pinned to your sides as you curl the bar upwards towards your chin.