Rebecca Wahls, Duke Theater Studies’ artist in residence and instructor of theater studies, reconfigured Bertold Brecht’s mid ...
Napping is a double-edged sword. Done right, it’s a powerful way to recharge the brain, improve concentration, and support ...
When our feelings dominate our thinking, we’re more prone to doing something we regret. The feelings that overwhelm our ...
Steve Martin says people often ask him how to 'make it.' The answer he gives isn’t the one they always want to hear—but it’s ...
What if suffering isn’t just what’s happening, but our reactions to it? Discover why we keep doing what doesn't serve us and ...
How do I know? My record of sensing bad outcomes ... has cared about climate change since dawn of Cold War -- for good reason Documents from the 1950s and 1960s show how the Pentagon poured ...
Keeping children healthy can be a big job. From the day their children are born, parents ferry them to and from medical offices, getting their immune systems boosted, teeth cleaned, eyes checked ...
Still, to do good, and more specifically to do what justice requires, wealthy countries ought to be helping poor countries and the vulnerable people who live there. And while much of the world’s ...
If your parents made all your appointments for you, they didn’t do a good job imparting that small yet crucial life skill. Your lack of proficiency in that arena can make you avoidant ...
but data is mounting about the positive things laughter can do. A good laugh has great short term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces ...