This is the thirteenth part in a series about riding night trains across Europe and the Near East to Armenia—to spend time in ...
The greenback’s global dominance was forged on trade, alliances and institutions — now that era is at risk of drawing to a ...
Some U.S. national security experts have taken to calling this group “the axis of upheaval” or “the axis of autocracy,” ...
As my friend Leon Wieseltier said about Benjamin Netanyahu, and it’s true of Trump as well: He’s a small man in a big time.
During World War I (1914–1918), the German, Austro-Hungarian, and Ottoman Empires fought against the Entente Powers, which included France, England, and Russia. The defeat of the Empires led to ...
Prospects for dancing with the dragon are brighter with a narrower power differential.
The occupation came despite Russia’s formal recognition of Georgia’s sovereignty just nine months earlier, in May 1920, and its de jure recognition by the Entente powers on January 27, 1921. Notably, ...
HAL BRANDS is Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced ...
Mr. Gerecht forgets that America won the Cold War in the Middle East precisely in the manner that Mr. Trump proposes.
The Jewish state can protect its neighborhood, but the Persian Gulf needs a superpower’s attention.
The second Trump administration is holding a gun to Europe’s head. In mid-February, Donald Trump’s deputy J D Vance cocked it ...
A followup of the previous one on National Revolution, this text by Oskar Kanehl talks about the spiritual dimension of the proletarian revolution. Originally published in "Die Erde, 1919, No. 8".