Wizards of Baking.” The competition series, hosted by Fred and George Weasley actors James and Oliver Phelps, follows teams ...
Detective Conan, on the other hand, a series also referred to in English as Case Closed, written and illustrated by Gosho ...
The end isn't quite here yet. Ready your wands for an additional concert hosted by the Columbus Symphony in the Harry Potter ...
The Harry Potter film series saw the cast grow and develop over the years but sadly, a number of the stars have since died.
The two-way mirror in Harry Potter wasn't fully explained in the movies, creating confusion among viewers. The mirror ...
Immortalised by the late Alan Rickman, Harry Potter potions master Severus Snape is about to make a resurgence to our screens ...
As Warner Bros. Television readies HBO’s Harry Potter TV series for a summer production start in the U.K., Warner Horizon is satiating fan appetites with a second season of Harry Potter: Wizards of ...
Harry Potter has launched a surprising new crossover with a famous anime and manga franchise, Detective Conan. The Harry ...
A Massachusetts brewery is inviting all muggles to its Harry Potter-themed series of events next month. Lost Shoe Brewing and ...
The Harry Potter Film Concert Series returns to the Capitol Theatre with Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets in Concert, ...
Tal is a first-grader at the Waldorf School of Bend. He’s a big Harry Potter fan and is currently reading the final book in ...
Wizards of Baking sees pastry chefs crafting edible showpieces inspired by moments and themes from the Potter universe ...