Polls show NDP lurching towards worst-ever performance in a general election You can save this article by registering for free here. Or sign-in if you have an account. First Reading is a daily ...
An Ontario NDP candidate who said she wanted to “be a Black woman” and to have the experience “of poverty and living in addiction” has stepped down and said she will not contest the ...
Ontario’s NDP is promising $70 billion in new spending over three years along with $37 billion in new revenue and savings, including increasing capital gains taxes, creating new tax brackets for ...
Premier David Eby, in defending the NDP response, cited a statement from the provincial association of chiefs of police that was delivered into his hands in the midst of question period.
OTTAWA - A new study from McGill University says Conservative MPs far outpace their Liberal and NDP counterparts in online engagement, partly due to the their voices being amplified on X.
The NDP says it will increase government revenue through tax increases, while the Liberals say they will find efficiencies Author of the article: You can save this article by registering for free ...
In a move the official Opposition says is a “slippery slope,” the NDP has introduced emergency legislation giving it broad powers to reduce interprovincial trade barriers, put tolls on bridges ...
The NDP has a list of battleground ridings where party insiders believe they are competitive and have a chance to grow. Although the party intends to field candidates in all 343 federal ridings ...
“Now the results are not everything that we hoped,” Stiles said in her post-election speech to supporters at The Great Hall on Queen Street West. “But the people of Ontario made their ...
Yukon NDP Leader Kate White called for the defunding of Catholic education in the territory at the Yukon legislature on Monday, citing a "constant battle" over respecting human rights in schools.
Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles campaigned in London Monday night, looking to boost her party’s three local MPPs seeking re-election while downplaying the controversial late exit of a New ...
Ford has used some version of its famous script logo for more than a century, but despite its widespread usage, people are scratching their heads over a detail they just noticed. In a viral TikTok ...