The end of history, it seems, is marked not by an ever-widening embrace of liberal democracy and free markets, but by the ...
Remember the “Flight 93 Election” essay by the pseudonymous writer Decius, who advocates voting for Trump as a last, ‘Hail Mary’ pass to restore a Republic deformed by liberalism?
What does it mean to say that we’re living in a revolutionary era? Even political scientists can’t agree on the meaning of a “revolution,” but at the very least, we can agree that living ...
Trump’s Willed Omnipresence Is About More Than Mere Vanity Chinese Spies in Our Military? Straight to Jail A Lenten Reminder That the Filet-O-Fish Originated in Cincinnati ‘Access to Cheap ...
For all of liberal democracy’s faults—and Fukuyama has hardly been reluctant to raise them—no serious competitor has emerged to capture people’s imagination or seriously challenge it.