It’s thought the body, in a £200 extra-large wetsuit ... these have not led to the man being identified. “We are keeping an open mind into the circumstances and continue to work towards ...
The man, believed to be between 30 and 60 years old and approximately six-feet-tall, was discovered in a black wetsuit in the Claerwen reservoir near Rhayader in Powys on Friday, October 18.
An inquest has opened into the death ... in a remote reservoir. The man, thought to be between 30 and 60 years old, was discovered on Friday, October 18, in a black wetsuit in the Claerwen ...
"A post-mortem has confirmed that the body is a man, aged between 30 and 60 years old. He is approximately 6ft tall and was wearing a Zone 3 Agile wetsuit ... an open mind into the circumstances ...