Ape characters in the Planet of the Apes franchise showcase a range of intelligence levels and moral compasses, leading to ...
The modern Planet of the Apes film series, which launched with 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes, is one of the more unlikely Hollywood success stories in recent memory. Breathing new life into ...
In Brent's search for Taylor, he finds that the planet is run by a barbaric race of English-speaking apes, whose mission is in part to annihilate the human race. Brent eventually locates some of ...
Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver's reboot/remake of the Planet of the Apes inspired by news articles on apes raised as humans and advances in genetics. Jaffa conceived an idea for a film about a ...
Planet of the Apes set itself apart by taking science fiction ... challenges everything the apes know. Dr. Zaius (Maurice Evans) is a terrific anti-hero, an orangutan conflicted by his desire ...