University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann and his attorneys presented misleading information to the jury in ...
In his testimony to the House Science Committee on Wednesday, Michael Mann, one of the world’s leading climate scientists, told the story of Trofim Lysenko, a plant scientist who worked for ...
Michael Mann, a leading climate scientist, previously won over $1 million from allegations that two columnists defamed him ...
Second blow to celebrity climate scientist in less than two months, already ordered to pay National Review half a million dollars for failed litigation.
A judge vastly reduced climate researcher Michael Mann’s award, accused him of false evidence and ordered him to pay $530,000.
A Superior Court judge has sanctioned Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael E. Mann and his legal team for presenting ...
D.C., jury on Thursday ordered conservative pundit Mark Steyn to pay $1 million in punitive damages to climate scientist Michael Mann, determining that he was defamed in a 2012 blog post on ...
After a protracted legal battle, that lasted over eight years, a court in Washington D.C. has ordered University of ...