This free Mother Teresa Do It Anyway printable is a beautiful inspirational quote to hang up in your home. Simply fill out ...
As to my heart, I belong entirely to the Heart of Jesus. ”Small of stature, rocklike in faith, Mother Teresa of Calcutta was entrusted with the mission of proclaiming God’s thirsting love for ...
LOPEZ: How is joy a source of power, as Mother Teresa said? CONROY: People sometimes ask me if I got sick while serving in the home for the dying in Calcutta, tending people who were suffering ...
Mother Teresa said: “The child is God’s gift to the family. Each child is created in the special image and likeness of God for greater things — to love and to be loved.” That same Mother ...
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, you allowed the thirsting love of Jesus on the Cross to become a living flame within you, and so became the light of His love to all. Obtain from the Heart of Jesus ...
Armed with a faith that could move mountains, Mother Teresa followed her calling to help the poor, the lepers, the dying and the abandoned children in the slums of Calcutta, challenging many ...