A "town hall" using ChatGPT and missing posters show some central Ohioans are frustrated with their Republican Congress ...
Election law experts think this order, like several others, will ultimately end up before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Ferguson said the goal is to make effective legislative fixes to bugs in state government. He said fixes by rules and ...
Rep. Michael Rulli told Fox News Digital he is working on a bill to codify President Donald Trump's executive order on the ...
There, Democratic voters in places like Forest Park, Lincoln Heights and parts of Springfield Township were swallowed up in a ...
Ohio’s income tax was launched on New Years Day 1972 ... That plan came out of the launch of Republican former congressman ...
Across the state, union healthcare workers are meeting with congressional state representatives to advise against cutting ...
Ohio Republicans praised President Donald Trump’s executive order to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education.
More than a thousand people packed the Valley Dale Ballroom in Columbus for a recent rally hosted by Indivisible Central Ohio at which speakers derided their Republican members of Congress for not ...