He has done so through the various signs of bread and wine in the Old Testament, Abram’s interaction with Melchizedek, the Passover, and the manna and quail the Israelites ate in the desert.
When those moments come, we need to remember God’s words spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “So do not fear, for I am with ...
Of the sacrifice of Christ, the main sign or figure of the sacrifice of Christ in the Old Testament is the paschal lamb. At every Passover, the Jews recalled and renewed their covenant with God by ...
2011 - "The Passover in Exodus and Deuteronomy ... and the Deuteronomic Vision" Tyndale Fellowship Old Testament Study Group, Cambridge, United Kingdom, July 6, 2011. 2008 - "Communicative Language ...
Judaism is one of the world’s oldest religions, dating back nearly 3,500 years, and is considered to be the original Abrahamic faith (which includes Christianity and Islam). As a monotheistic faith, ...
The holiday's date is determined by the spring equinox and full moon cycle. On the Gregorian calendar (the one we use), Easter is the first Sunday after the Paschal full moon, according to Catholic ...
Why did Jesus tell people to make offerings in the Temple? Why did Paul call himself a Pharisee? The Bible’s answer might ...
Whether you’re prepping for Passover or just looking for a way to use a box of matzo, these traditional (and creative) matzo ...
Biblical teaching generally pushes Christians to advocate for submission to authorities, whether in politics or in the church ...
"It's deeper than abstaining from ice cream," said Fr. Bill Swichtenberg of St. Mary Catholic Community in Appleton.
The Lent season – which is a 40-day period of prayer and fasting leading up to Easter – starts on Ash Wednesday and ends on the Thursday before Easter Sunday. This year, Ash Wednesday and the ...