It truly feels never-ending, and I don’t even think this is going to be the last time,” says Chloe Bess, one of the victims.
If Selena had confronted her differently, this never would have happened,” a family member of Yolanda Saldívar.
Mason was airlifted to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa, where he was diagnosed with swelling and severe bleeding of the brain.
In a Hilo courtroom, Duncan Mahi sat silently as the judge handed down a 30-year prison sentence. He had pleaded ‘No Contest’ ...
Sua Richardson will serve time in prison for the deaths of Melinda Thao and her unborn child, identified by family members as ...
On Thursday, cheers of joy from the family of Renee Portillos when the judge announced Solomon Martinez was found guilty of first-degree murder, tampering with a deceased body and abuse of a corpse.
The Americans, many of whom are veterans and former military contractors, were convicted on drug charges, a representative for their families told ABC News.
Forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden shared his theory on the "unusual" circumstances that may have led to the deaths of ...
A preliminary investigation found that up to nine correction officers may have contributed to Messiah Nantwi’s death, ...