In an interview on Russian state television on Sunday, Mr. Lavrov listed the ills that Europe — not America — had brought ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said that French President Emmanuel Macron's nuclear rhetoric poses a threat to ...
Russia responds to Trump by raising its ‘peace’ demands.
France plans to extend its nuclear deterrence to European allies, creating tension with Russia. President Macron's statements ...
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov criticizes President Macron's nuclear deterrent proposal as a threat against Russia.
France's president warned of Russia's threat and suggested other European countries could sit under the French nuclear ...
MOSCOW, RUSSIA | TASS | Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov compared statements made by French President Emmanuel Macron ...
Russia views comments by President Emmanuel Macron about extending France's nuclear deterrent to other European countries as ...
Russia continues its brutal attacks on Ukraine. When questioned about potential negotiations, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey ...
Sergey Lavrov says presence of EU military contingent in Ukraine would mean direct war of European countries against Russia ...
Lavrov called the move a "direct, official and undisguised involvement of NATO countries in a war against the Russian ...