The WDFW said in a press release that the “Salmon Creek Hatchery steelhead program is replacing early returning winter ...
A 5-mile stretch of the Deerfield River, downstream of the Fife Brook Dam in Florida, will purposefully not be stocked this ...
The bi-weekly fishing report, compiled by Western Outdoor News, highlights the best angling opportunities in the north state.
The Edmonds Stream Team released 5,000 “baby” chum salmon into lower Shell Creek on Monday. These chum salmon “fry” were ...
Open-system farmed salmon live in stationary ocean pens. Their lives are not wild and robust, they are a manipulated species that exist exclusively for human consumption, similar to that of our beef ...
The minimum size for salmon is set at 12 inches, and wild Chinook must be released. Fishing will be open only on Mondays, ...
Smelt! Yup, their passage up the lower Columbia has been marked by packs of sea lions and, more recently, by Washington’s ...
The North of Falcon process is under way right now that will decide salmon seasons for Puget Sound, the Washington Coast, and the Columbia River, including both freshwater and salt water fisheries.
The fish have finally started to separate and focus back into that top 40-foot water column, though, so targeting the schools ...
Kevin Pangle, Ph.D, Director of the CMU Biological Station and the Department of Biology faculty member, has been researching ...
A group of stream-keepers from Peninsula Streams and Shorelines, Friends of Bowker Creek and representatives from Goldstream ...
Students at Grand Rapids Montessori raise salmon from eggs before releasing them into the Grand River in the spring, part of ...