The biblical name most commonly given to baby girls since the modern state was founded—also among Arab Israelis—was Sarah, followed by the Jewish names of Rachel, Miriam and Esther. Channah rounded ...
During a lecture delivered last night in New Jersey, Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto addressed the concept of life and death from a perspective of faith. He emphasized that most fears people experience, ...
Some 150 anti-Israel protesters gathered at Washington Square Park in Lower Manhattan, adjacent to the New York University campus, on Sunday evening for a vigil ...
Indeed, it was with these words of Shema Yisrael that our kedoshim went to their tragic deaths throughout the ages and for all times immemorial. We pray that Hashem hear our cries, especially in ...
which he had never said before, and ‘Shema Yisrael’, which he had never recited in his life,” Shir shared. She added, “He said that amidst all that hell, he wanted to remember that he was ...
Keith Siegel's daughter, Shir, tells of the strength her father found in the Jewish faith during his time in captivity.
Shema Yisrael, we hear the harrowing testimonies, and our hearts are torn apart," he said, according to N12. "They are bound, tied, and starved. We demand that they all be brought home ...
It begins with a little-known fact. There was a time when there were not three paragraphs in the prayer we call the Shema, but four. The Mishnah in Tamid (5:1) tells us that in Temple times the ...
Orly chose to sing K’shehalev Bocheh – Shema Yisrael, taking the mic and pouring her heart and soul into the words. The crowd was spellbound. The atmosphere felt electric—heavenly. Nine Months Later: ...
Ben Zoma says, “Shema Yisrael.” (Very easy to understand. A reasonable choice.) Ben Nanas says, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Very Rabbi Akiva-ish. We get that.) And as if the Medrash ...
Thirty school-age children also gathered in the sanctuary where the couple died and recited the Shema Yisrael prayer in their honor. For the Nov. 26 anniversary, Chabad in Mumbai will dedicate the ...