With an abundance of platforms for increased information sharing and public scrutiny, companies must stay ahead of the curve ...
Stunts like killing off its beloved mascot Duo have helped the company grow into a massive internet success story.
Consumers’ response to cleaning versus feel-good activities was measured by Emotiv for creative spanning TV, influencers and social media.
Freelancers, social media creators, and anyone looking to make branding quickly and easily should check out Looka.
Meet Marley, the painting penguin: After nearly two decades, she's finally getting recognition she deserves thanks to social media. NBC News’ George Solis introduces us to Marley, who’s taking ...
A new study challenges the idea that quitting social media boosts happiness, finding no significant link between abstinence and improved well-being. Could the "social media detox" be overrated?
says there’s a better way to use social media tools for marketing. His recent book, The Obvious Choice: Timeless Lessons on Success, Profit and Finding Your Way, addresses the issue. I talked to ...