Minister refuses to rule out more welfare cuts as Tories criticise ‘rushed’ reforms - Work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall ...
The Scottish Social Justice Secretary spoke out after the UK Government set out a series of reforms to the welfare system.
Critics fear they will unfairly harm disabled people, while supporters argue the system needs reform to reduce unnecessary ...
Labour will also introduce a new benefit called ‘Unemployment Insurance’ through the reform of contributory working-age ...
A Scottish Labour frontbencher has also criticised UK government plans to cut £5bn a year from social security spending.
New claimants to the health-related element of universal credit benefit stand to be £40 per week worse off as a result, ...
Most are agreed that the benefit cuts will be "big and consequential", said the BBC' s Henry Zeffman. The government will ...
Responding to the Government’s Green Paper on Welfare reforms, Liberal Democrat Work and Pensions spokesperson Steve Darling MP said: ...