The Georgetown University track and field team competed at the NCAA indoor national championships in Virginia Beach, Va., ...
Southern California won the 2025 Division I men's indoor track and field title, clinching the title with the meets final ...
La Universitat de València ha inaugurat aquest dilluns en el recentment inaugurat Espai Vives, l’exposició ‘Habilitar el Vives. Memòria d’un espai universitari’, una mostra que planteja ...
The World Indoor Track and Field Championships in Nanjing, China, air live from Thursday through Sunday on Peacock with additional coverage on NBC and CNBC. The fields feature Olympic 110m hurdles ...
Kelsey Daniel became the first Texas Longhorn to win the men’s long jump on the opening day of the Division I men’s and women ...
Here are the schools with the most NCAA track and field team championships across men's and women's track and field in both ...
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — USC clinched the 2025 Division I men’s indoor track and field title in the final event on Saturday night at the Virginia Beach Sports Center. It was a chaotic final event ...
Que el Cant de la Carxofa se celebrara a Bunyol en 1908 feia pensar que també podia haver sigut interpretat a poblacions veïnes, com ara Xiva o Xest. L’amic Julio Balaguer ha dedicat temps i ...
El port de València ha reobert completament a les 16.55 hores d'este dijous, un dia després d'iniciar la seua reobertura parcial després de tancar a causa del temporal de pluges a la Comunitat ...
The skinny: Jacksonville's annual showcase of high school athletics, traditionally billed as the nation's largest single-day high school track and field meet, passes the half-century mark this year.
Pole vaulter Luke Beattie of Warwick, Kingston long jumper Joe McDonald Jr. and Minisink Valley high jumper Ella Michelitch both claimed gold medals at Saturday's New York State Federation ...
L'oferta disponible d'habitatges en lloguer s'ha reduït un 63 per cent a València des de la pandèmia de coronavirus del 2020, un 51% a la ciutat d'Alacant i un 24% a Castelló de la Plana ...