With IWLCA Defensive Player of the Year titles her junior and senior years, team MVP honors for both field hockey and ...
Continuing to blaze a trail, sophomore Haley Schoenegge won the NCAA 1-mile race, becoming the first Vassar College athlete to win two national titles.
Pole vaulter Luke Beattie of Warwick, Kingston long jumper Joe McDonald Jr. and Minisink Valley high jumper Ella Michelitch both claimed gold medals at Saturday's New York State Federation ...
El port de València ha reobert completament a les 16.55 hores d'este dijous, un dia després d'iniciar la seua reobertura parcial després de tancar a causa del temporal de pluges a la Comunitat ...
La Universitat de València ha inaugurat aquest dilluns en el recentment inaugurat Espai Vives, l’exposició ‘Habilitar el Vives. Memòria d’un espai universitari’, una mostra que planteja ...
Stan Becton joined NCAA.com in 2021 and has since served as a college football, FCS football, track and field, cross country and HBCU beat reporter. He has covered numerous NCAA championship ...
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The University of South Florida track and field team captured its second consecutive American Athletic Conference Indoor Championship, finishing with 167.5 points at the Birmingham ...
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – Florida Gators Track and Field competed in the first of three days of the SEC Indoor Track and Field Championships at the Fasken Indoor Track and Field on the Campus of Texas ...
Les famílies de 570.000 estudiants del País Valencià estan cridades ... i el "rebuig frontal" del departament de Didàctica de les Llengües de la Universitat de València. La conselleria, per la seva ...
A student was rejected from biochemistry PhD programs because her field is being defunded. Keke, a TikTok user known as @blondebiochemist, shared some disturbing news in a video. “Reading my ...
La Universitat de Barcelona va apartar el setembre del 2023 un professor de manera cautelar per la denúncia d'una alumna per assetjament sexual. El cas ha transcendit a través de les xarxes socials, ...
Tot i que l'alvocat i el plàtan sovint són les primeres opcions en què pensem quan relacionem fruita i salut, la Universitat de Harvard ha posat el focus en una fruita més comuna: la poma. Segons un ...
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