During his time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Goku gains the ability to remain a Super Saiyan at all times, without any strain. Neither Goku nor Vegeta were the first warrior to achieve Super ...
Until Goku's transformation into Super Saiyan 4 in Episode 18, one of the most thrilling events of the show was when Vegeta transformed into SSJ3 for the first time in an anime of the franchise.
We find out why Akira Toriyama created the Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball, and it has nothing to do with the story.
As one would expect, the first character to unlock the Super Saiyan 4 transformation was Goku. After transforming into a Golden Great Ape, Goku lost his senses and let Baby Vegeta slip from his grasp.
The first pack in the Dragon Ball ... has revealed two more fighters in this pack, those being Super Saiyan forms of Daima Goku and Vegeta. The Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero DLC pack featured ...
Due to the power of his Tertian Oculus, it was almost as if Gomah was taking absolutely no damage as his magic and strength are just as strong as they were when it first began. Thus them turning ...
Comicbook’s Evan Valentine breaks down the scene for us where Adult Goku transforms: “… Son Goku recreates the scene where he first introduces Super Saiyan ... one day Vegeta can get there ...
We review a filler episode of Dragon Ball Z with a glaring continuity error that shows how unnecessary these plots are.
Even as a quarter-Saiyan, she shows remarkable power from an incredibly young age. In Dragon Ball GT, Pan demonstrated impressive fighting ability despite never reaching Super Saiyan. In more ...