Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
As Earth's ever-present celestial companion, the moon exerts a constant influence on our planet, and its disappearance would ...
If you missed the the blood moon early this morning, you'll now have to wait nearly a year before seeing your next.
The vernal equinox occurs as Mercury stands still in Pisces and several of Jupiter’s moons transit in the sky this week.
March's full moon, known as the Worm Moon, will bring a stunning total lunar eclipse, turning the Moon a deep reddish hue in ...
Hello everyone! Full moon is tomorrow and although it’s called the Worm Moon, I personally prefer the term “Lenten Moon” ...
If venusian clouds contain life, it will be very different than what we know. But terrestrial analogs might still give us ...
On March 14, the full moon coinciding with a total lunar eclipse will produce a blood moon in Virgo. Find out what you should ...
This month, a total lunar eclipse and blood moon will be viewable across the U.S. Here's the best times and places to view the eclipse in Mississippi.
A total lunar eclipse, also known as a "Blood Moon," will hover over skies on March 13-14. Will you be able to see the lunar eclipse from Texas?
As Venus hurtles toward its inferior conjunction with the Sun on March 22, astronomers are capturing a rare glimpse of its ...
March’s night sky brings a total lunar eclipse, a rare chance to see Mercury, and shifting planets. Don’t miss these ...