The Xbox 360 version was this quirky add-on that introduced a new way to play games ... using the Kinect to navigate the ...
This holiday season, the video game industry ... new PlayStation and Xbox consoles. Ten years ago, a similar chorus of hype reached a crescendo with the release of Xbox Kinect, promising to ...
When the Kinect for Xbox 360 was first demonstrated in June 2009, it looked like the future of technology. By tracking your body with an advanced infrared camera, sensors, and a microphone, the $ ...
Microsoft’s Kinect may not have found success as a gaming peripheral, but recognizing that a depth sensor is too cool to leave for dead, development continued even after Xbox gaming peripherals ...
This works even if your cable box is on the same side of the room as the Kinect ... supporting nine games in its first year (though it did find more support across Xbox 360 entertainment ...