Former MLB player Travis Snider hopes to change the culture of youth sports through his Seattle-based company 3A Athletics.
When Paul Deines and his son Tanner head to the baseball diamond, they're no longer playing just to win. But it wasn't always that way. Elizabeth Cook has their story.
Young baseball and softball players got a treat at Jackie Robinson Ballpark in downtown Daytona Beach on March 15 with a free baseball clinic.
However, it was senior Braden Burton and junior Kanon Nelson who did the heavy lifting on the mound. Burton allowed no runs ...
Mike Matheny will be talking about the book and signing copies at 7 p.m. Friday at the Clark Family Branch of the St. Louis ...
Mike Matheny, a former St. Louis Cardinals player and manager, poses for a photo with Debbie Streif, left, and her daughter Mara, both from Lebanon, IL, before a game against the Los Angeles Dodgers ...
They called Rafael Zapata crazy. The owner of a youth baseball academy in the Dominican Republic had an idea. He was going to ...
The Aston Sports Hall of Fame will hold its 22nd awards dinner Thursday night at Kings Mills on Route 452 in Middletown.
It's hard to beat playing Little League as a kid growing up; however, baseball has become an increasingly expensive activity ...
Sacramento State baseball’s slugger, JP Smith, broke the home run record while growing African American representation in ...
Figuring out a cause for the skyrocketing number of arm injuries among pitchers is easy. Finding a solution could prove much ...