Zero Place, the net-zero-energy building on North Chestnut Street in New Paltz, is being converted to condominiums, raising ...
The mission of the Centre for Zero Energy Building Studies (CZEBS) is to reduce the environmental impact of buildings while enhancing their safety and comfort. CZEBS is a university-recognized ...
In systems with multiple buildings, it helps to triage and focus efforts on the least energy-efficient branches, he says. Its first net-zero energy building, a new Red Hook branch, is scheduled to ...
Concordia University’s Future Buildings Laboratory will support research to advance knowledge, best practices, and innovation in sustainable buildings and infrastructure now and for the future.
Researchers at Politecnico di Torino in Italy are testing how latent heat thermal storage (LHTS) could be used in combination with rooftop PV to achieve nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEB).
A fire broke out at Brussels’ first net-zero energy structure, the Treurenberg building, in late October. The blaze, likely caused by building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) panels on the facade ...
With 98 spaces, the daycare will not only be the largest, but also the first city-owned net zero energy building. “This is one of the best news stories we’ve had in a long time,” said York ...