Avoiding running off agency PAYE reference numbers is how the government can avoid destabilising the UK’s entire temporary labour market.
A payroll tax liability-responsibility shift from umbrellas to agencies dangerously throws the baby out with the bathwater. It must be stopped.
Contract workers must adjust to BRPs and ‘clipped’ no longer being acceptable RTW proof (even if you may feel like a second-class job-seeker).
Although still in the red, freelance tech hiring shows ‘improvements,’ finely balanced on next Wednesday’s Spring Statement 2025.
Off-target. Opaque. Overly complicating an already complicated landscape. Spring Statement must scrap or shelve ‘deemed employer.’ ...
LITRG: As part of helping the unrepresented be informed, we’re calling in technology to automate your next deductions double-check.
Four umbrella regulation areas get opened up, next to two new points, and one very uncertain part with potentially ‘huge impact.’ ...
An off-payroll rules update by HMRC is far from the full story. But the subtext is clear – the reformed IR35 rules aren’t going anywhere.