By studying the brains of autistic girls, we now know the condition presents differently in them than in boys, suggesting ...
An eavesdropper hiding inside a black hole could still obtain information about quantum objects on its outside, a finding ...
The rate at which the planet is warming has sped up since 2010, and now researchers say that China's efforts to clean up air ...
Paranthropus was an ape-like hominin that survived alongside early humans for more than a million years. A fossilised leg belonging to a strikingly small member of the group raises questions about how ...
Taking aspirin was first linked to a lower risk of colorectal cancer in 1988, but the research into its anti-tumour potential ...
Challenge your brain by solving New Scientist's weekly crosswords on your mobile, tablet or desktop ...
Since the second world war, US economic prosperity and major technological developments have hinged upon the government’s ...
On the 22nd July 2028 there will be an impressively long total solar eclipse visible right across the middle of Australia ...
Anecdotal reports suggest drugs like Ozempic may curb not just appetite but also impulsive or addictive behaviour, hinting at ...
The race is under way to make faster, cheaper and better GLP-1 drugs that will go beyond reducing obesity levels to treating ...
Drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy have the power to block the forces driving obesity, but the knock-on societal effects may not necessarily be so positive ...
GLP-1 drugs have revolutionised the treatment of obesity, but the very reason they are effective is also why it's vital to ...