The Corruption Perceptions Index ranks 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public-sector corruption.
With strong institutions that give the appearance of integrity, many top-scoring countries in this year's CPI are prime ...
Some governments have leveraged their Corruption Perceptions Index rankings or even stagnant scores to present a misleading image of their governance.
We don’t currently have a national chapter in your country. For more information and resources on our anti-corruption corruption work, please visit the End Corruption and Library sections. Scoring 180 ...
La corrupción pone en peligro los fondos climáticos vitales de todo el mundo: mejorar su protección es vital para proteger a miles de millones de ...
Índice de Percepción de la Corrupción 2024: la corrupción generalizada fomenta los delitos ambientales y de derechos humanos en las Américas.
سجَّلت أغلب البلدان المُعرّضة بشدة لتغير المناخ أقل من 50 درجة على مؤشر مدركات الفساد. يتعرّض عدد هائل من الناس لخطر لا مُبرّر له حيث يُضعف الفساد مشاريع المناخ التي تهدف إلى حمايتهم. يُبرز ذلك الحاجة ...
This summer, the world watched as Kenyans took to the streets in massive protests that were met with violent repression. Sparked by a new tax on everyday essentials, the protests reflected widespread ...
Transparency International consists of more than 100 chapters – locally established, independent organisations – that fight corruption in their respective countries. From small bribes to large-scale ...
Our vision is of a world in which government, politics, business, civil society and the daily lives of people are free of corruption. In order to get there, our mission is to stop corruption and ...
Have you paid a bribe? Has corruption increased in your country? Is your government effectively tackling corruption? You have an opinion and that’s what we want the world to hear. Since its debut in ...