Home - Libertarian Party
As America’s third-largest political party, we advocate for policies that empower individuals and communities while reducing the influence of government in our lives. Learn more about our vision for a freer, more prosperous future today.
About the Libertarian Party - Libertarian Party
Founded in 1971, the Libertarian National Committee was formed to guide the Libertarian Party and provide a political home for all Americans who cherish freedom. Over the past half-century, we have risen to become the third-largest political party in the United States.
The Libertarian Party opposes restrictions on peaceful immigration
Jan 27, 2017 · Libertarian Party Chair, Nicholas Sarwark, says, “When we erect barriers to peaceful immigration or contemplate restricting immigration based on characteristics such as religious beliefs, we desecrate the noblest of principles this country was founded upon. This isn’t just about immigrants and refugees.
Platform Committee Application - Libertarian Party
The Libertarian National Committee (LNC) is seeking applicants to serve on the Platform Committee for the May 21-25, 2020 national convention in Austin, Texas. The LNC expects to make these appointments at its November meeting.
Platform page - Libertarian Party
We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.
Immigrants benefit the United States - Libertarian Party
Immigrants come to the United States and fill needs, open businesses, raise families, and add their unique stories to a vibrant and diverse American culture. It’s important not to let Boortz speak for Libertarians on this issue, because Libertarians ardently support freedom of migration.
Libertarian National Committee - Libertarian Party
Libertarian National Committee, Inc. 1321 Upland Drive, PMB 7311 Houston, TX 77043-9965
Our history - Libertarian Party
For more than a half century, the libertarian party has promoted peace, individual rights, sound money,free markets, minimum government, and maximum freedom.
Military personnel a vital part of Libertarian Party
May 31, 2017 · “Resolved, Present and former members of the military who give such unique and powerful voice to the libertarian principles of peace and the non-initiation of force add great value to the Libertarian Party, and are welcomed as a vital part of our membership.”
Libertarians say: Let the immigrant children in | Libertarian Party
Jul 8, 2014 · Should the U.S. government forbid foreign children from entering the United States? The Libertarian Party says no. It would be unjust and inhumane for the U.S. government to prohibit these children from entering the United States.