History of Pagan Beltane - Learn Religions
Feb 3, 2020 · Beltane kicks off the merry month of May, and has a long history. This fire festival is celebrated on May 1 in the northern hemisphere (and at the end of October below the equator) with bonfires, Maypoles, dancing, and lots of good old fashioned sexual energy.
Beltane - Wikipedia
Beltane is one of the four main Gaelic seasonal festivals—along with Samhain, Imbolc, and Lughnasadh—and is similar to the Welsh Calan Mai. Beltane is mentioned in the earliest Irish literature and is associated with important events in Irish mythology.
Legends and Lore of Beltane, the Spring May Day Celebration
Feb 14, 2018 · Babies conceived at Beltane are considered a gift from the gods. They were sometimes referred to as "merry-begots" because the mothers were impregnated during Beltane's merrymaking.
Beltane Explained: How to Celebrate Beltane Like an Ancient Celt
Apr 25, 2022 · Beltane (also: Beltain or Beltaine) is a Celtic fertility festival that marks the beginning of summer and the transhumance of livestock from winter lowlands to summer pastures. To quote historian Thomas Cahill, the springtime celebration was “distinguished by bonfires, maypoles, and sexual license” (source: How the Irish Saved Civilization ...
Babies conceived at Beltane are considered a gift from the gods. They were sometimes referred to as "merry-begots", because the mothers were impregnated during Beltane's merrymaking. In Cornwall, it's traditional to decorate your door on May Day with boughs of …
Beltane | Definition, Meaning, Traditions, & Facts | Britannica
Beltane, festival held on the first day of May in Ireland and Scotland, celebrating the beginning of summer and open pasturing. Beltane is first mentioned in a glossary attributed to Cormac, bishop of Cashel and king of Munster, who was killed in 908.
Beltane - The Busy Pagan
Apr 14, 2024 · Beltane is a Pagan Gaelic fire festival celebrated May 1st, marking the vibrant transition from spring to summer. Beltane stands at the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, heralding the light half of the year.
Beltane Lore & Traditions - Information | Rituals | Recipes - Wicca
Beltane Lore and Traditions. Beltane is an ancient Celtic fire festival and one of the eight sabbats in the Wheel of the Year. Traditionally celebrations begin on April 30th and continue though the night into May 1st.
What Is Beltane? And, How Do You Celebrate It? - The Pagan …
Apr 17, 2021 · Beltane (pronounced Bel-tain) means “bright fire” in Celtic and refers to the god Belenus, who protected herds of cattle and offered healing and light to the ancient Celtic pagans. The word comes from the combination of the Celtic words “bel” meaning bright one and “teine,” which means fire.
Dancing Around the Maypole: The Joyful Celebration of Beltane
Feb 1, 2024 · Today, let’s immerse ourselves in the vibrant energy of Beltane, a festival of fire, fertility, and merry-making. Celebrated on May 1st, Beltane marks the beginning of the summer season in the ancient Celtic calendar, a time when the Earth is teeming with life and potential.